The Virgin; The Madonna; and The Whore

The Virgin; The Madonna; and The Whore; separate manifestations occupying the same vessel each at different points in time. The Virgin evolves into The Whore, The Whore eventually retires as The Madonna.

Life begins as the Virgin; pure of heart: naive of the grenades littered through this visceral reality. Monsters under beds evolve into beasts that roam the streets. Life corrupts all. Purity is not a virtue. One cannot be pure in a society that demands penance in exchange for survival.

When sorrow transitions to anger the whore is born. Barking hymnals to the moon, my dues have been paid in full, and I too deserve to thrive. Freedom and choice are my birth right, and I will kill for a guarantee. Defiance is a virtue. The whore is a guardian in training, only those whom have been in battle before, can lead.

The Madonna is the teacher. When life is lived fully, the gift we leave behind is wisdom. One can only become a Madonna through embracing the whore.