

A pillars of the curriculum is development of the mind, our intellect. We can raise children to become adults who are curious of the world, not cautious of it. Who want to build bridges, rather than walls. Lessons plans are inspired by people and cultures from around the world in the areas of science, technology, literature, math, and the arts. Many of the lessons will be taught by lecturers from around the globe, as a way to introduce students to ideas from our global community. The goal is to encourage our students to be curious, to ask questions, and learn about how expansive our physical world is.


Our physical body is the only “home” we have, and it is important to take care of it. Many of our hygienic and dietary habits are formed in childhood. But we CAN teach kids to eat better! Another Pilar of Ms. Idiongs Holistic Health Academy is development and care for our physical bodies. We never shame our bodies. We love our bodies, and we work to understand our bodies to give it what it needs. Better exercise, diet, and hygiene habits lead to healthier and longer lives. The curriculum includes weekly workouts that cater to the both students and parents, along with creative ways to make eating healthier, taste better.


The Spirit is our intuition. Our third pillar, development of the spirit is about giving students the tools they need to navigate their internal world. How to express themselves, and the emotional tools they will need to navigate a world with 7 billion other occupants. Course work includes workshops on making friends, chakra work, and navigating our internal world. It is important to have tools to navigate the personal journey through life.