Who Am I, What is My Background


I want to give donors, sponsors, and future clients a glimpse of myself and who I am. I will be the main instructor for many of the lessons. But I will also be the student at times, allowing others to teach on their native subjects.

My name is Ofonime Idiong and I am storyteller with a passion for teaching, and learning. My goal is to use this platform to create a global community of students and teachers. Our collective is evolving and we are being asked to find new ways of being.

It is a difficult transition and amidst all of this children are growing up. “Adults” are not the only ones feeling the impacts of Covid. And as the world seems to be crumbling right before our eyes they need support. They are critical to reimagining the human experience.

My healing birthed this academy into fruition. Childhood is where our root is wounded. Our feelings of safety in our environments and in ourselves is wounded in childhood. Survival skills, and ways of existing that are formed in childhood come with us into adulthood as personality traits, because of our programming. My healing was uncomfortably because I had so much to work through from my childhood. I was able to evolve because of new lessons in life that brought new awareness and new tools. But if in childhood I had the tools to assist my transition to adulthood, some of my life experiences may have been different. I have done the self work, and am still doing the self work. But as we look out into the world, and look for solutions, a part of it comes in reprogramming. Changing our perspectives, and thinking differently about our world.

That work and part of that answer I believe comes from raising our children differently. If we can raise more adults who are aware, we can create a world that is more aware. Children are the future. What do we want our future to look like? So much “life” is going on. Talk about Climate Change, War, Death, and a rapidly changing world we cannot forger about our children.

I love working with students. You can always see when you’ve said something or did something that makes that feel valued. All they want, all we want is the space to be validated.We often think of eduction as just math and science; test; school teachers and chalkboards. With right and wrong answers, good and bad, and everything is white and black. I am challenging us to rethink that.

Future revenue made from Idiongs Holistic Education Academy will go to funding our communities, by creating and funding initiatives that aim to create access and redistribute resources.